The International Society of Radiology
[ISR] ISR/WFNMB Webinar “Strengthening Medical Imaging Capacity”, 25 March 2025, 13:00-14:30 CET
The International Society of Radiology (ISR) and the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB) cordially invite you to a webinar to discuss why a WHA Resolution on Strengthening Medical Imaging Capacity is needed, how it will impact member states and how NGOs and international organisations will support its implementation.
The webinar will be held on 25 March 2025, 13:00-14:30 CET via Zoom.
It will bring together member states, NGOs, international organisations, lead authors of the Lancet Oncology Commission on Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, the Lancet Oncology Commission on Radiotherapy and Theranostics, the Lancet Oncology Commission on Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other stakeholders with an interest in upscaling medical imaging globally.
The webinar programme and registration are available on the ISR website as well as on the Imaging Commission webpage here.
We very much hope to be able to welcome you to this important webinar in support of the WHA Resolution on Strengthening Medical Imaging Capacity recommended by the WHO Executive Board for adoption at the WHA78 in May.
With kind regards,
On behalf of the ISR and WFNMB coordination teams
International Congress of Radiology - ICR 2023, March 15-17, 2023, Hurghada, Egypt
The International Society of Radiology (ISR) is pleased to announce the International Congress of Radiology – ICR 2023, March 15-17, 2023, hosted by the Egyptian Society of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine (ESRNM) in Hurghada, Egypt.
Abstract submission period has been extended to December 20, 2022.
ISR Website:
Abstract Submission:
Further information will be announced soon.
International Congress of Radiology - ICR 2023, March 15-17, 2023, Hurghada, Egypt
The International Society of Radiology (ISR) is pleased to announce the International Congress of Radiology – ICR 2023, March 15-17, 2023, hosted by the Egyptian Society of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine (ESRNM) in Hurghada, Egypt.
Abstract submission is open until November 20, 2022
Further information will be announced soon.
Lancet - The Lancet Commission on diagnostics,
July 13, 16:30 - 17:30 CEST
Open Access session at ECR, which will be co-chaired by ISR Past-President Dr. Luis Donoso.
Lancet-1 (5 min) Chairpersons' introduction
Luis Donoso, Barcelona / Spain
Kenneth Fleming, Oxford / UK
Lancet-2 (8 min) The Lancet Commissions
Sabine Kleinert, London / UK
- To understand the purpose of a Lancet Commission.
- To become familiar with the process of putting a commission together up to publication.
- To learn about the potential afterlife of commissions using current examples.
Lancet-3 (8 min) The challenges of access and the impact on health, economy, and equity across countries
Susan Horton, Waterloo, ON / Canada
- To understand the challenges that affect access.
- To understand the challenges that affect equity.
- To become familiar with the economic impacts.
Lancet-4 (8 min) Key needs: opportunities for using new technology
Michael Wilson, Denver, CO / United States
- To understand the opportunities and potential impact of digitisation, including both telehealth and artificial/augmented intelligence.
- To understand the opportunities and potential impact of increased use of Point of Care testing and imaging.
- To understand the opportunities and potential impact of the democratisation of diagnostics.
Lancet-5 (8 min) The radiologist's point of view
Kristen DeStigter, Burlington, VT / United States
- To discuss the role of radiology in addressing the global burden of disease.
- To identify the gaps in radiology service delivery, including workforce, technology, infrastructure, and quality management.
- To discuss how radiologists can collaborate to promote visibility, innovation, and transformation.
Lancet-6 (8 min) The Lancet Commission's recommendations for an international community
Kenneth Fleming, Oxford / UK
- To review the critical importance and means of advocacy for diagnostics.
- To understand the role and objectives of an International Diagnostics Alliance.
- To become familiar with the need to improve affordability of diagnostics and possible mechanisms.
Lancet-7 (15 min) Panel discussion: Are we really advancing equitable access to diagnostics?
WHO-ISR-WFPI World TB Day 2022 Scientific Symposium,
March 24, 17:00-19:00 CET
Updated WHO Guidelines on the Management of Tuberculosis in Children and Adolescents: The Role of Chest Radiography
Thursday, March 24, 17:00-19:00 Central European Time
The program will be announced shortly.
Please click HERE to REGISTER for the event for FREE.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Society of Radiology (ISR) along with the World Federation of Pediatric Imaging (WFPI) will co-host a webinar on World TB Day to mark the release of updated WHO guidance on the management of tuberculosis (TB) in children and adolescents. The new WHO guidelines include recommendations that span the TB cascade of care, from diagnostic approaches to treatment of both drug susceptible and drug resistant TB, to models of care to optimize TB prevention and case detection efforts. The new recommendations provide an opportunity to significantly improve the care provided to children, adolescents and families affected by TB.
TB remains one of the top infectious killers in the world, it can affect everyone, but children and young adolescents (aged 0-14 years included) are particularly vulnerable. They accounted for 11% of the 10 million people who fell ill with TB in 2020 and sadly over a quarter of a million children died. Detecting TB in children can be challenging due to symptoms that overlap with other childhood illnesses and difficulties in confirming a diagnosis due to the paucibacillary nature of TB disease, especially in young children.
This World TB Day we are bringing together a panel of pediatricians, clinicians, radiologists, radiographers, TB affected communities, policy makers and program implementers to raise awareness about TB in children and adolescents. We will discuss the new WHO recommendations on the management of TB in children and adolescents, with a special focus on the role of radiology to diagnose and treat TB in children. This webinar will be of special interest and relevance to an audience who are involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of TB in children and who want to better understand the role of radiology in these efforts.
The ISR collaborates with the WHO as an NGO in official relations, to facilitate the global endeavors to improve patient care and population health through medical imaging.
The WFPI is another important cooperation partner of the ISR. To intensify cooperation in pediatric imaging, the two organizations have recently signed a collaboration agreement.
Recording of ISR-WFUMB-WHO webinar available free of charge
I am writing to you on behalf of the International Society of Radiology (ISR) to inform you about a special opportunity that I believe will be of value for your society members.
As you may have read, the ISR, jointly with the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) and the World Health Organization (WHO), organized a Webinar on Safer Maternal and Newborn Care – the Role of Ultrasound on 14 September.
The webinar was held on the occasion of World Patient Safety Day (WPSD), which is celebrated yearly on 17 September and this time focused on safety in maternal and newborn care. As you can see from the program, the webinar gathered high-level speakers not only from the host organizations, but also from radiological technology and midwifery, among others, and paid attention to different settings.
It is my particular pleasure to inform you that the recording of the webinar is available free of charge here.
I believe that this is an extremely valuable source for the radiological community and our partner disciplines, which has also been confirmed by the positive feedback from live and on-demand viewers.
Offering this webinar for free is part of the ISR’s mission to promote global radiological quality and safety and to bring high quality radiological education, especially to underserved areas, which is only possible thanks to the support from our member societies.
Renato A. Mendonça
ISR President