Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM)
[SERAM] Radiology Network "RedRad", the magazine of the international partners of SERAM

Dear Dr. Shigeki Aoki:
It is a pleasure to present you the latest project of the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology: Radiology Network "RedRad", the magazine of the international partners of SERAM.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your participation in this inaugural issue. We are sure that your experience and knowledge have greatly enriched the content of the magazine.
This edition of RedRad has had the active and valuable participation of representatives of societies that maintain collaboration agreements with SERAM and offers diverse perspectives and experiences that reflect the richness and diversity of the international radiological community. From reflections on the current situation of ultrasound in each country, to projections on the most recent technological advances and future trends in the technique, this edition promises to provide a panoramic and complete vision.
We invite you to spread "RedRad" among your associates. We believe that the information and knowledge shared in this issue will be of great interest and usefulness to your radiology community.
You can download the magazine from here:
A cordial greeting
Dr. Juan Mesa Quesada – Responsible of communication of SERAM
Dra. Asunción Torregrosa Andrés – President of SERAM
Dear colleagues:
We officially want to inform you that the SERAM Board of Directors has decided to hold our 35th National Congress on a virtual format due to the evolution of the pandemic, appealing to responsibility and, above all, ensuring your safety.
It will take place from May 17 to 26, 2021
It will be the first SERAM congress held on a virtual environment and we are making a strong effort for the Congress to be different and innovative as well as much more open and accessible.
It is true that the virtual format will limit personal contact, but so it is that it opens doors to share knowledge with the same or more effective tools as in the face-to-face model. It is time to take advantage of them.
The Scientific Committee of the 35th National Congress of SERAM has been working on the redesigning of the scientific program for months, and has managed to keep its initial objectives, combining versatility in some aspects and specialized depth in others.
In addition, the pre-congress with the SERAM / RSNA symposium dedicated to "Errors, pseudo-injuries and normal variants in radiology and diagnostic imaging" will be held on May 17 and 18, 2021.
As it could not be otherwise the monographic session on COVID-19 will also take place, where those aspects in which radiology has been shown to be very useful on its clinical management will be addressed. Radiology professionals will have a unique opportunity to share our experience in this pandemic.
Undoubtedly, the date and format changes have entailed a great effort for the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee, but we are sure that all the work done will be worth and it will bring greater participation and interest from everyone.
All the information about the virtual Congress can be found at
Thank you once again for your understanding and support.
Best regards,
SERAM Board of Directors
Dear colleagues:
From Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM) we are pleased to send you a very important document about Radiology workloads. You can download it at this link.
Its objective is to normalize the radiologist’s activity, with the fundamental recognition that the radiologist does much more than report imaging examinations. This fact, although it may seem basic, is not recognized by many chiefs or managers and is not always taken into account when planning the agendas or distributing the radiology department's activities.
It is a complex document, given the great variability of work scenarios and the different regulations in each type of workplace. For this reason, it is not intended to be an absolute reference, but rather a guide for each radiology department to work on the optimized design of workloads.
The quality of the radiology professionals's work ensures safe radiology.
We believe that it is a very useful document, so we would appreciate that you spread this information to your memberships through the different channels.
If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us.
Our kind regards.
SERAM Board of Directors